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Friday, 31 Jan 2025
Howto reduce the fails in concept: Funding
So, while there is another topic focusing on the alliance problem, this topic handles a very different one: Funding the game.

Never meant to be successful, SGR indeed went to be it in the last few years. At least successful in having users anyway and not being a small game in a smaller corner of the web.
I'm also hopeful, that there will be more users in the years to come.

But here's the problem: The money SGR earns, is nowhere near enough the work I'm doing for it, not to mention the costs of the server and domain.

Of course I'm happy about every donation the game gets - and this year was the best donation year ever (Thanks a lot to the donors), but...

1) I'm not sure, how long this persists.
2) The sum of all donations so far is less than the costs so far.
3) I'm demotivated in working for vain.

To be clear: SGR has more than enough potential to cause a nice additional income.
So far, I'm doing all for fun, just to entertain you. Nothing's left for me or the hardworking voluntary helpers.

But wouldn't it be nice, if it weren't that way?

- I would work much more motivated.
- Maybe there would remain some for helpers.
- You would get better features.


So here's the question, this topic targets on: What do you think about paid SGR services?
I'm talking of:

A) Paid bonus stuff like additional skins, ships, etc.
You can buy things and use them forever.

B) Premium accounts.
You can pay for an extended account service, which includes additional features. Payment is for time.

C) Much more advertising (This is no paid SGR service).
Advertising is more aggressive - means, there will be PopUps, PopIns or layered frames from time to time.

D) Another and maybe better idea by yours.


There are also difficulties to discuss.
The main point on A) and B) of course is, none of it should effect game balancing.

Therefore I'm targeting on features and bonuses, which do not pimp game objects like ships and bases. But it's hard to find features which are useful to be paid and do not imbalance the game to much. For example some features of convenience.

Regarding other games, the best possibilities include skins of all kinds. An additional game style for example is only a nice to have, but does not effect the game. But is it worth buying? And what other types of skins are interesting, except game styles?

How do you feel about providing additional species (Asgard, Tok'ra, etc.) only for premium accounts? Or buying additional species?
(Of course the species would be balanced to each other.)

Last but not least, I must underline, that any paid service can't be implemented for SGR as it is right now. Just because of using the Stargate trademarks and so on. Therefor I would have to rename many things (mostly species and ships) and would have to redesign the stargate itself (lol), but it could be worth it.

Ok, I've dropped my bombshell. Now it's your time to discuss.

PS: Please answer in German, if your English is as bad as mine^^

Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht,
Wo ein Bug ist, werden Fallen aufgestellt,
Und was nicht geht, bekommt Beine...
Extra Species / Races for money - No
Skins & Designs - Yes

And i think alot ppl will buy such stuff, i know a very good example where it worked: Dawn of War 2

There are many DLC's like epic chapters and such and many bought them for like 5-6 euro each.

And well there are enough ideas for example that you could make a skin for humans that the bases and such look more tau'ri or perhaps tollan like (i know cuz of the copyrights, because that i said "look alike")

Same goes for ships. On the other hand you could perhaps put more advert in it and put a premium thingie inside which deactivates them.

Also for the premium thingie you could add more forum options like being able to send private messages, unique colours in IRC channel, special spectator views on newest research tree updates and such (only looking, no edit, like it is now, but putting it in a premium option)

same goes for galaxy switching like if you are bored or died to simply switch to another galaxy making that to premium.

Pictures of ships & bases in general making it premium, also in-game research tree putting in premium to see it completly already, instead of how it is now.

and so on, you just have to switch all the luxus stuff we have now into premium and ppl will buy it, lolz. but for real there are many ways to make premium more attractive if you really plan that.
A nice Premium-Feature would be, that you can play in more than one Galaxy at the same time. So you can play with other Species in other Galaxies and not just with one Species in one Galaxy.
Hm, the problem on skins is:
They are mostly based on images of ships, bases, etc. And these are (or will be) mostly made by users of the community. I don't feel comfortable about taking money for stuff other people did. My opinion is, that we have to reward the designers in this case. So it would be a nice system to pay them anyway.

But I don't now, if it's too optimistic. In theory, SGR could be a platform, where users can make money their-self:
- They create game skins and offer them for money.
- Other users are interested in skins and buy them.
- The designers get feedback and may create more skins.
- A big range of skins rises.

In this case, each skin could be "taxed": SGR gets a small percentage of each skin payment (Because without the platform there wouldn't be money anyway).
This way, all would be happy, but...

It's a thing where theory doesn't meat practice.
I don't think there well be enough designers and I don't think there will be enough users who buy skins.
Of course this works for big MMORPGs with tens of thousands players, but not on a much smaller game like SGR. SGR may will have only about 500 active players in future (there are much more accounts today, but they have no activity).
And to make things worse: Skins don't have to cost too much - I think about 2 or 3 € for each, maximum.

So lets take a look for premium accounts:
You indeed made some nice suggestions, which do not effect the game. Some may are too hard (like making pictures premium). Others are of the type I thought of. Playing in two galaxies at the same time, is for example a very nice idea (it's for the heavy gamers out there^^). Or displaying the whole research tree.

What do you think about the interest in such premium accounts?
Would you, for example, pay for it?

And I'm still looking forward to get the advertising solution running. Currently the advertises suck, cause they are content based and the provider doesn't have clients focusing on games...
Because of that I think about non-content-based advertising and maybe about some rare popins. But I'm afraid of making SGR to an advertise hell. It still should be discrete...

What's your opinion on that?

Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht,
Wo ein Bug ist, werden Fallen aufgestellt,
Und was nicht geht, bekommt Beine...
I think Option C is the most effective and surest thing, that you get a little bit more money 100%...

all the other features are nice, but can you be sure that anyone buy them?

It would be *zeitverschwendung* if you make yourself a lot of more work to build this "bonus stuff" if nobody buys it.

PS: hab dein ps mal ignoriert, in der hoffnung dass man mein schlechtes englisch trotzdem versteht :-p

Ehre sei den Ori, denn die Ori sind die einzige Macht im Universum.Die Wahrheit entgeht dem, der nicht mit beiden Augen sieht
*zwischennotiz*: ich versteh nich wieso jeder sagt "mein schlechtes englisch" obwohl ihr vllt. pro post komplett evtl. 2-3 fehler NUR macht, kenne da viel schlechteres englisch... vllt. seid ihr nur im aussprechen "scheiße"? (ich kann sowas beurteilen, weil ich schon alle formen des falschen englisches verbessert habe in meinen klassen seit 5.... sogar lehrer verbessere ich manchmal^^)

back to topic: well me personally would never pay for a browsergame cuz its against my morale and because its too much danger that i still get kickassed or that its simply waste, for me as example i would never buy skins, for real instead i would simply play an usual looking game, lol.

Except it would be possible to make it for real like Tollan style and such, which better nobody expects because of the copyright & license laws and such.

So I simply hope for SG-R that the advert idea works out, but pop-ups would be too much of it and would reduce also the gameplay timing especially in speed-galaxies.

The only real option which is left is to try as many things as possible at the same time and hope that people by here and there a bit and as a sum enough to pay the servers and the domain and such.

Addendum (11 Dec 2011, 20:05:45 CET):
@comander zeitverschwendung = waste of time
By the way: Wouldn't it be a good chance to promote advertises, when the Tick-Waiting-Screen occures?

Like "Oh, a tick... Hey look these brand new wrist watches" ^^

Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht,
Wo ein Bug ist, werden Fallen aufgestellt,
Und was nicht geht, bekommt Beine...
Thats a great idea :-p

I would never pay for a browsergame myself, because i have no money and (atm) no job.

I hope the Idea of advertising will be good enough to earn enough money for you AT =)

@Prometheus: Danke für den Hinweis =)

Ehre sei den Ori, denn die Ori sind die einzige Macht im Universum.Die Wahrheit entgeht dem, der nicht mit beiden Augen sieht
i think advertising at the tick waiting screen would be a good idea

and i would pay for a good browsergame, like i did last week;), but i won´t pay for bonus skins or something like that
it would be nice to have no advertisement as "sponsor" or premium user or less adervertisement

the advertising how it is now don´t annoy me and it could be more i would say
Also there could be more Partner Links like already from Galaxy News and such on the left side, that way you could make additional money too i guess? like with SG-Fansites who would be ready to pay or such stuff.

@Comander, np ;)

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